If you've been following the news this week, you're likely aware of the ongoing discussions at Toronto City Hall, dominated by budget-related topics. Etobicoke Centre has taken a prominent position in these conversations, with local Liberal MP Yvan Baker addressing a recent budget discussion that focused on the potential property tax increase in Mayor's draft, set to be unveiled on Feb. 1, just two weeks away.
In the past week, there have been concerns raised by local MPs, expressing dissatisfaction with the budget stance Mayor Chow has taken. Specifically with Mayor Chow's statements attributing possible property tax increases above 10.5% to the federal government's lack of additional funding for refugee shelter costs, has sparked tension. This issue gained prominence when Baker spoke to multiple media outlets yesterday, emphasizing his disagreement with the city's messaging strategy. He aimed to ensure that local residents understand the substantial federal funding already sent to Toronto for specific projects, particularly those addressing the housing crisis.
The situation has escalated by creating once more another dividing issue between downtown and suburban voters. Amidst these challenges, it's essential to maintain perspective. Regardless of the unfolding events in the coming weeks, one crucial point remains – we cannot allow refugees, or anyone for that matter, to sleep on the streets. Winter in Canada makes homelessness a life and death matter, necessitating the city to take all possible actions. If that means an increase in property taxes, then that becomes a necessary step.
Simultaneously, the federal government should recognize this as a national emergency, understanding that Toronto is not the sole city grappling with such challenges. While Toronto receives a significant share of refugee arrivals, a collective effort is needed to find solutions. Considering this in a global context, survival is challenging in many parts of the world and we must not turn a blind eye to our global neighbors seeking a safe place to live.
Looking ahead, global trends indicate an increasing number of people needing to relocate over the coming decades and many will be unplanned. Â It is crucial to find sustainable solutions now to prevent a deeper crisis in the years to come. These issues bring strong feelings for everyone, including those in power. While everyone is working on them in their own ways, it can be difficult to see the point of view of others. As residents of this city we need to keep our ears and eyes open and go beyond the headlines to understand the underlying causes and concerns.
Remember, as a resident you are fully able to speak out and have your say. Sometimes local politicians on all sides need to hear our thoughts and ideas. Maybe you might have an idea that they have not even considered! Lets start to work together to make this world a better place than we found it!
Still To Come This Week:
Etobicoke York Community Council (Fri. Jan. 19 at 9:30 a.m.)
YouTube link -
Here is the agenda - https://secure.toronto.ca/council/#/committees/2464/24446
Meeting Items
EY10.1 - (9:30 AM) 2 and 10 East Mall Crescent - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval (Ward 3 - Statutory: Planning Act, RSO 1990)
EY10.2 -Â (9:30 AM) 3350 Weston Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval (Ward 7 - Statutory: Planning Act, RSO 1990)
EY10.3 - 251-285 The West Mall - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Appeal Report (Ward 2)
EY10.4 - 2, 7 and 10 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard, 506, 514, 516, 520 and 522 Royal York Road and 3, 5 and 15 Sinclair Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Appeal Report (Ward 3)
EY10.5 - 4884-4896 Dundas Street West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Appeal Report (Ward 3)
EY10.6 - 307 Lake Promenade - Residential Demolition Application (Ward 3)
EY10.7 -Â Scarlett Road - Non-Residential Demolition Application (Ward 5)
EY10.8 - 36 Rayside Drive - Application to Remove a Private Tree (Ward 2)
EY10.9 - 47 Westpoint Lane - Application to Remove a Private Tree (Ward 5)
EY 10.10 - 13 Murrie Street - Request for a Fence Exemption to the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447 (Ward 3)
EY 10.11 - Application for a Clothing Drop Box Location permit located at 9 Milvan Drive (Ward 7)
EY 10.12 - Traffic Calming Measures on Kingsway Crescent between Thorndale Avenue and Queen Anne Road (Ward 3)
EY 10.13 - Speed Bumps - Pantelis Kalamaris Lane, between John Street and Elsmere Avenue (Ward 5)
EY10.14 - Compulsory Stop Control - Windust Gate and Allonsius Drive (Ward 2)
EY10.15 -Â The Queensway - Construction Staging Area (Ward 3)
EY10.16 - Accessible Parking Spaces - January 2024 (Delegated) (Ward 5)
EY10.17 - Parking Amendment - Sable Street (Ward 5)
EY10.18 - Parking Regulation Amendments - St Clair Avenue West (Ward 5)
EY10.19 - Crossing Guard at Judhaven Road and Thistle Down Boulevard (Ward 1)
EY 10.20 - 56 Colville Road, 1465 Lawrence Avenue West, 2059 Weston Road, 2625 Weston Road - Designation of Fire Routes and amendment to Chapter 880 - Fire Routes (Ward 5)
EY10.21 - 215 Ryding Avenue - Designation of Fire Routes and amendment to Chapter 880 - Fire Routes (Ward 5)
You can always leave a comment or send an email to TheEtobicokeVoice@gmail.com
Let me know if you have story ideas, tips, or event listings that you would like to see appear on these pages and I will try to make it happen!
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