Thanks for this very informative post. One very significant source of noise in Etobicoke Centre is Highway 427. Do you know whether or not the walls along the highway are effective in reducing the noise? Are there more effective sound-mitigation barriers that could reduce the highway noise? Thank you!
Hi Noel, I'm glad you found the post interesting. Yes, the 427, and all highways are a significant source of noise. The walls only work if you are right behind them, the further away you are the less effective they are. Additionally, all of those condos where people can see the road have no mitigation at all.
Noise bounces around, and even in the quietest neighbourhoods people hear the whine of the highway with normal cars, and with a modified muffler or racing motorbike those "noise events" are also distinctly heard.
The best noise mitigation is at the source. Which is the vehicles and motorbikes. We are putting pressure on the city to inspect and fine operators who install the mufflers and the TPS to inspect vehicles and fine under the Highway Traffic Act. However they can't be everywhere so we are pressuring the city to look at noise cameras, which are used in London and New York City - they identify the right vehicle making the noise, take a picture and issue a fine - which is holding up in court.
Most have noticed that it's gotten louder the last few years, so it's not us.. it's the vehicles on the roads and how drivers choose to drive (to make the noises) them that has changed.
Thanks for this very informative post. One very significant source of noise in Etobicoke Centre is Highway 427. Do you know whether or not the walls along the highway are effective in reducing the noise? Are there more effective sound-mitigation barriers that could reduce the highway noise? Thank you!
Hi Noel, I'm glad you found the post interesting. Yes, the 427, and all highways are a significant source of noise. The walls only work if you are right behind them, the further away you are the less effective they are. Additionally, all of those condos where people can see the road have no mitigation at all.
Noise bounces around, and even in the quietest neighbourhoods people hear the whine of the highway with normal cars, and with a modified muffler or racing motorbike those "noise events" are also distinctly heard.
The best noise mitigation is at the source. Which is the vehicles and motorbikes. We are putting pressure on the city to inspect and fine operators who install the mufflers and the TPS to inspect vehicles and fine under the Highway Traffic Act. However they can't be everywhere so we are pressuring the city to look at noise cameras, which are used in London and New York City - they identify the right vehicle making the noise, take a picture and issue a fine - which is holding up in court.
Most have noticed that it's gotten louder the last few years, so it's not us.. it's the vehicles on the roads and how drivers choose to drive (to make the noises) them that has changed.